

Drove down to Yabakei in Oita prefecture yesterday.青の同門→「天雲龍」(耶馬溪)→一目八景(深耶馬溪)→福貴野の滝(途中通行止めで断念)→西椎屋の滝→慈恩の滝→「筏場の湯」(慈恩の滝の近く)→日田にJoyfullで晩ご飯→帰宅。Left at 9 in the morning and came back just before 10 at night.

Got to meet my homestay family from 5 years ago, was nice to see everyone. There was great scenery driving through the hills, with reds and oranges splashed here and there against green, grey rocks suddenly rising out of the midst of all of them. The waterfalls were great fun too.