


別件だけど、先週の金曜日家に帰って、Winter Olympicのfigure skating exhibitionを見た。すごかった。印象的のは、「My Way」の音楽に合わせてスケートしたアメリカの男子選手、ロシアからの金メダルを取ったペア、あとは…まあ、ほとんどの選手が印象深いだもね。やはり、exhibitionになると、メダルを取ることがなく、ストレスが少なくなり、ただ観客のため、自分が楽しむためにやるから、みんなうまく滑ったね。



It's Friday!

Experiments started on Tuesday. While I wouldn't say that the experiment itself is difficult, the process of planning for it and trying to ensure it goes smoothly is... It's been a really busy week, and I've not cooked a proper meal at home in ages. Ah well, such is life.

The weather has been getting warmer recently, with wonderful weather these two days. Sunshine!

Euphoria erupts.






Some news from Singapore

Just heard about this measure taken by the police from mrbrown.com, where the police will inform the parents of teens found loitering in public spaces after 11 pm. More details here.

Hm, seems like a strange measure. Well, if I were a teen hanging out after 11 pm and my parents knew about it, then this measure would not really affect me (other than the bother of giving particulars to a police officer, and the time wasted on both sides). If I were a hardened criminal, then I might not be listening to my parents anyway. In essence, it seems that this only serves to give parents an idea of where their kids are, or if their kids are lying to them about where they are. If the parents didn't care in the first place then probably it wouldn't change anything... Alright, I haven't actually thought very much about it.

The real reason why I'm writing about this is because reading it led me to wonder whether I was out after 11 pm when I was a teen. And of course it brought back some fond memories of midnight movies and so on...

whoa. sooo strict ah.
Its madness, teens nowadays study so much harder than us already and now they have their individual freedoms curtailed as well.... I mean, no more midnight movies, no more late night suppers, no more hanging out at east coast until dawn, no more arcade and pool and karaoke and no more underaged pubbing (well...).... they can spend the time at home playing DOTA or something.. raise a whole new generation of computer nerds.
Actually, it's not really a restriction of freedom, but a loss of privacy.
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昨日の夜(正確にいうと今朝)、フリースタイルスキーの男子モグルを見た。いや、すごかった。第二位になったフィンランドの滑りはすごかったね。早いし、技あり。ほかにも色々いい選手出たね。で、感動のは最後に登場した選手のDale Begg-Smithで、ミスなしな滑りで一位を取った。「おおおお!!」って感じだった。イベントのすごいしめ方だね。

で、今日新聞を読んだら、記事にDale Begg-Smithはなんと自分の会社を持ってお金持ちなビジネスマンだそうだ。13歳で兄とインターネット関係の会社を作って(最初はスキーをサポートするお金のためらしい)、今でも働きながらスキーの練習をしている。彼についてより詳しい記事はここ。すごいな…



Have been surfing the internet reading about various foods (again!) and I shall just list some sites about the wonderful king of fruits, the durian. Lot's of basic info here, someone's first taste, and an overwhelming site here.

I've actually seen durians on sale in one supermarket here in Japan, and also came across them in Chinatown in New York, but they didn't have any smell... just didn't have the same impact. Although I believe someone once told me that if you let them sit a while they'll be alright. Maybe they weren't ripe yet? Miss suddenly coming across that ripe fragrance when it's durian season back home.

I also read about other foods today too, by the way, making that about 2-3 hours of digital feasting online today. This is of course separate from the food blogs that I read regularly. Cheers!






in BBC today...

Article here on new species found in Indonesian Papua. More pictures here too.


A little work

Just got round to finishing one of my reports. Actually I already solved the problem (it was a simple one) but the answer has just been sitting on my desk for about a week until I finally started putting it into report form ie. plotting the graph, writing the explanation etc. Now I just have to print it out...

Went for homeless feeding with my church today, handing out hot soup and rice at one of the parks near Hakata. Really cold weather today, doesn't help that it's a sudden chill after one or two days of 15-16 degrees daytime temperatures earlier this week. Brr, quite tough for the homeless ...









Well, it just turned cold again in Fukuoka today! Snowed this morning...
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