

First snowfall this year came swiftly, not creeping in under the cover of autumn's leave, but gusting and blowing and announcing winter's landfall. To think it was a late winter, then the mecury dropped and first snow falled. In visible quantities too, flaunting itself in whirling dance beneath the streetlights. Will this year see mornings where all is white? Anticipation comes with snow's first fall, a settling down of twinkling lights, first arrivals paving winter's path.

Late winter, early snow, what next?

you dont have to worry about your English writing skills. they look good to me. :)
Waoh, you may experience your first white Christmas in Fukuoka this year! Congrats!
Actually, come to think of it, we just had our 初雪not too long ago too, and I heard that the snow actually accumulated in the mountains. (Remember our 工学部is in the mountains?!) Not exactly looking forward to a White Christmas though...more concerned about my end-of-year trip.
Actually, it snowed during Christmas before maybe 2 or 3 years back. So I have experienced a kind of white Christmas before, though there wasn't exactly lots of snow coating the ground. Maybe this year we'll have even more.
You are at Tohoku now?
Er... which "you" are you talking about? Anyway, I'm not at Tohoku. Have read your blog before, but don't think I know you personally, or do I? I'm confused. Must be the cold weather...
Nevermind, I got it mixed up. Fukuoka rather than Tohoku. :)
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