
PC games

One of the things I do on the internet is surf around looking for old abandonware, freeware, shareware and so on. I also like to read reviews of PC games that are coming out. Also visit sites like Home of the Underdogs just to find and read about old games that I used to play. So, what are the computer games that I've played that I liked and really stick in my memory?

Roughly in the order of playing :

And there are lots more, of course, all the way from old DOS games to recent ones. Recently have picked up Panda-glGo, N, and Nethack, all small downloadable games. Would like to play Civilisation IV and maybe also Spore when it comes out, but what I'm really waiting for and probably will buy (if I upgrade my PC so I can play it) is Oblivion. Coming out this year, I think. Morrowind really impressed me, and I think this next game from the same company will too...

What about you?