

On Saturday, went for practice at church followed by our monthly sports day. Held at the gymnasium of a primary school in Koga, the low baskets allowed for one of us to make regular dunk shots and basically let the rest of us feel really tall. Basketball was followed by volleyball, with some badminton in between. I still don't really get volleyball. But anyway, we had a great time with much laughter as always.

Went to Kaikan after that. Visited N & G's room, and four of us (St, C, Fadil and me) had dinner at Fadil's room after that.

So happened that R was going to arrive in Fukuoka that day so got her to meet me in the area. Sunday after church I brought R to Canal City and we went to Ichiran. Followed by dessert at Comme ça and then we made a short trip to Yodobashi before R went off to catch her flight.

Ramen from Ichiran
Dessert with the name ブラックムーン (Black Moon)

Thanks for everything. By the way, I became Y halfway when I was supposed to be R in the beginning...:)
Y? Ok, will correct that.
how come R is in fukuoka?
Because of a 学会 in 熊本
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