Food trip to Itoshima 2007-02-27

So, since we've finished our presentations and all, us M2s in my lab decided to have a good lunch on Tuesday. Headed for Itoshima on the west side on Fukuoka in order to have "yakikaki" or grilled oysters. Basically you pay for a tray of oysters and barbecue them over a charcoal pit. According to the people who ran the place, first you grill them flat side down for 2-3 minutes, then turn over. When the oysters pop open, you can have at them. Add soya sauce, ponzu or salt as you like. We had sazae (turban shell?) as well. Came out to 1000 yen a person.

Visited Futamigaura as well and then had Karatsu burgers on the way back. Karatsu is the name of a town in Saga prefecture, but the vans selling the burgers are present in Fukuoka too.