
Ships, ships, and more ships

Visited the Navy Open House 2007 held at Changi Naval Base today. As the holder of a Naval Architecture and Marine Systems Engineering degree, how could I pass up the chance? Photos here. Didn't see any AUVs, although the anti-mine submarine might classify as one. And the USV - Unmanned Surface Vessel is a close relation. Got to board most of the ships, which was my main reason for going. No chance for the submarine though, the interior is still highly classified it seems. The ride on the FCU (which was an unexpected perk of visiting the Landing Ship Tank) - a water jet propelled fast craft - was cool. Especially when they pushed up the speed.

All in all, a very satisfying day.

The Ramly burger looks very good...
I will definitely go to Singapore one day!!!
Actually the Ramly burger is from Malaysia... but there's lots of good food in Singapore too!
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