Rainy days
Wow, it's been raining heavily each day for quite a few days now. And July and August are supposed to be relatively dry... Good thing is that the rain keeps the weather nice and cool. You know, rain is one of the defining features of Singapore. It rains anytime, anywhere, all year round. And when it rains, it can really rain. That's why many of our canals are so deep and wide. I'm always impressed when the little stream at the bottom of the canal along Bukit Timah Road swells into a raging torent within an hour of rain.
Today, of course, it rained too. Well, it stopped in the morning, so after church I went down to Orchard, jalan-jalan for a while, then met some friends for dinner. Unfortunately, the recommended place at Cuppage Plaza was closed (some place called Ueno) so we adjourned to a run-of-the-mill izakaya in the same building. Went looking for Island Creamery (that famous place in Serene Centre) after dinner at Centrepoint based on a rumour that they also had a store there but failed to find it. Guess it's only at Serene Centre then. Proceeded to Coffee Bean etc. etc. etc.
Wonder if it'll rain tomorrow...
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この前、日本の友達 K さんが出張でシンガポールに来ました。だから、先週の日曜日に Orchard Road と Clarke Quay に連れました。晩御飯は Paragon の Ding Tai Fung (鼎泰豊)で、そのあとは Clarke Quay の Brewerkz で飲んだ。そして、今週の金曜日に Esplanade あたりに行った(こことここに行ったけど)。相変わらず Starbucks が好きな K さんでしたね。残りの時間にまた会いましょう!
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Okinawan dinner, Transformers

During the week I got a voice message on my handphone - turned out my Japanese friend S.M. was in Singapore and was leaving on Saturday. So we met up on Friday night for dinner at an Okinawan restaurant which was his recommendation. (Apparently he had been there on previous trips to Singapore.) Nice ambience, really down-to-earth Japanese izakaya called Nirai Kanai at Tanglin Shopping Centre. Prices for the food are reasonable, although drinks are expensive. Anyway, we had souki soba, rafutei, goya chanpuru and one of my favourite tsumamis: tako-wasa. Hmm, Travelling Hungryboy (one of the food blogs I read) has a post about the place too.
We adjourned to Starbucks after that. It was a good time with S.M. and his friends. Anyway, another Japanese friend is coming to Singapore soon.
Watched the Transformers movie today. Cool effects. Great action. Wished they gave the other robots besides Bumblebee and Optimus more screen-time though. I mean, you didn't really get any feel of Megatron being evil, you know? And the preachy soliloquising by Optimus Prime at the end was quite corny, but then, he really did speak like that in the cartoons, so.