

Recently, I have watched "Hancock", "The Dark Knight" and "Red Cliff".

"Hancock" was a film with an interesting premise. Will Smith was believable in his role, but the tone of the film was uneven. Crude humour, then the touchy-feely stuff, then lots of action all mixed up. Sigh. It was cool though.

"The Dark Knight" was good. Very dark, though. It was a bit sad that Gotham was no longer as dark and atmospheric as in other films, although I guess it was meant to reflect that under Batman the city had cleaned up a lot. Nice touches throughout - I love the fact that the second time the Joker explains how he got his scars, you suddenly realise how twisted and manipulative he really is, not deserving of the little pity you may have given him when you first heard his story.

I didn't really get the ending though. Why blame the deaths on Batman? Just blame the Joker, or leave them unresolved. The ending speech by Gordon was somewhat illogical too, it sounded as if they just needed a speech that ended with those final words.

Good film, but seriously dark, and not exactly for kids.

"Red Cliff" was draggy. The battle scenes were good. The scenes where Tony Leung and Kaneshiro Takeshi converse are good. Some scenes were unnecessary though, I feel. The horse in labour. The pigeon flying across the water. The football scene.

And I'm sure some scenes were cut by the censors, as the shift in scene in certain cases was too sudden and jarring. Which means it must have been, oh, even longer originally?

Oh, and please, no more white doves in a John Woo film can?