
Movie - Departures

Just caught the Japanese movie "Departures" at Vivocity today. Rushed down after work to meet with LLL. Unfortunately we could only get seats in the very first row. Good thing it was not an action film, otherwise I would never have been able to catch what was going on, what with being so close to the screen and all. Really affects your vision when trying to follow movements across the screen.

The film (Japanese title おくりびと) was a typical heartwarming tale. Very Japanese in its understatedness and theme, actually. But it was a good film, and the comic moments were not overdone, as is often the case. The funeral scenes were good, but the family members in all of them being so grateful did seem a little contrived. The main character's wife needed just a wee bit more work in fleshing out as well.

Overall, a good film.