Winter weather
Highest temperature today was about 6 degrees, and might dip below zero tonight. However, it's not so much the temperature as it is the wind. It's howling outside even now, and has been doing so the whole day. Even in the sunshine. At the end of the corridor there are some vents for ventilation, and you can hear them singing notes as the wind blows over them. Brr...
Cold lah. It's so cold lah. That's why I don't feel like getting up in the mornings. That's why I don't feel like doing anything.
It snowed on Sunday, the first snow of this winter in Fukuoka. It was only a little ice mixed in the rain at first in the morning, but proper snow fell later in the afternoon. Nothing on the ground though. Have to wait longer for that. Well, Sunday continued into Monday and then Tuesday, but the weather remained cold all throughout. Frost formed on my windshield at night. My hands felt painful by the end of football yesterday. Temperature's a little better today though.
To end off, I would like to post this video which I was introduced to courtesy of Takchek. The chorus, fittingly, is "Je ne veux pas travailler", ie. "I don't want to work"

Woke up at 6.30am this morning. Left the house at 7. Outside, my breath hang in the air. Everything was a soft grey, shrouded in mist. Old people were taking walks in the cold dawn. Picked up and then drove my friend to the airport. The sun came out on the way, but thin whispers of mist still lingered on the way back. Stopped and had breakfast at MacDonald's before heading to school.
Barcelona played well last night. Amazing match. Club America wasn't in top shape, though that certainly doesn't take away anything from Barcelona's fine performance.
We have great ramen though. It's everywhere! (It's really an obsession with the people here.)
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今日の午後は友達と007の映画を見に行きました。今度は俳優が変わって、以前のPierce Brosnanとかなり違う雰囲気のボンドです。まあ、話の設定はボンドの最初のごろで、ボンドがまだちょっと未熟な部分があるように書いてあるのも面白いですね。車は相変わらずかっこういいものでした。
Singapore at the Asian Games
Just read that we have our second gold at the Asian games, in the women's 50-metre butterfly. Woohoo! The coverage here is focussed almost entirely on Japan, so not much chance to see Singapore in action, although I do get some glimpses when they happen to be in the same arena. Japan has crashed out of the football competition though, unfortunately. Not much chance of being able to watch the other football matches now.
The Toyota-sponsored club world cup is coming up though.
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Autumn leaves once again
You know, I think I forgot to mention that my school also has spectacular autumn foliage as well.The last few days have been cold though, and most of the leaves have fallen by now. Winter is coming, for sure.
Anyway, the presentation on Friday went ok. Have a lot to do in the coming months though.