Progress of spring
As I mentioned before, after the sakura, out come the tsutsuji or azaleas. Finally got round to taking some photos of them. Shrubs of azaleas line the roads in my campus. Red, white and pink (which actually has all three colours) blooms shout out loudly everywhere.

Walkover, no chance to vote.
Report to write
Okay, have to submit a report by Friday, and I think it's going to take longer than expected... which means that I have to really buck up for the next few days. Ah well, wasted quite a lot of time today reading comics. Which means that there shouldn't be many distractions tomorrow. Hopefully...
General elections to be held on May 6.
Hey, that's Golden Week over here. Wonder if the overseas voting will also be on the same day. Hm, wonder who will run in my constituency. No, first let's wonder which constituency I'm in since my place back home sits so near the old constituency boundary.
Just checked, under a GRC. Yes, a new one. Or rather an old one that has had part ot it dissected out. If I lived a little further down the road, I would have been in a new SMC.
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Some more pen and paper
Found some old papers of mine some time ago, and today finally got round to updating my writing page with some old stuff from long ago. Some of the pieces bring back memories of when I wrote them.
Actually, one of the reasons why I put stuff on the net is to prevent me from losing them. The short pieces I can sometimes recall, but that long piece about leaving? Had been searching for it for some time. The only other hard copy is back in Sg, presumably somewhere in one of my old drawers. Presumably. Anyway, this way, one more backup for me.
Changing of the guard
So, this year we have 3 new people in our lab. An associate professor, a post-doctorate, and a first-year master's student. The post-doc is arriving in Japan tomorrow, while the other two have already joined our lab. Wonder what this year will be like. The associate prof is a garrulous fellow, alright, a talk with him never seems to end, with conversation topics popping up one after another. As for the 1st-yr master's, definitely highly-motivated and driven. None of that slacker philosophy.
Guess I'll get to meet the post-doc on Monday. One year since I entered this lab, and only one more year for me. How the days fly by. Hope to get more stuff done this year. More of this, more of that, more of everything but lack. Hahaha!
Cherry Blossoms

My place is becoming warm but still cool and now Sakura.sob
You know, Sakura is beautiful because it last only a short time.
We call it 「散り際がいい」.
Enjoy your Sakura life !!
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Have had a busy week. After the previous busy weekend, this week kept up the pace. Helped S move on Tuesday, on Wednesday went for the farewell party at church for J and R's family (who are going back to the Philippines), Thursday evening attended a meeting at church, Friday morning sent S to the airport and then helped a senior to clear some stuff from his room, went for worship pratice on Saturday and today after church delivered a sofa left behind by S to a common friend. In between was doing experiments and such. Well, the tasks as such weren't exactly taxing, rather it was the moving around. And driving. Drove around almost every day.
Was good to be busy though.
Saw the new Ito campus today (had to send the sofa there) and M showed me around the place (what's been built so far anyway). Since we were at Itoshima already, went up to Keya for a good dose of coastal scenery. Really strong winds today. A number of surfers were out too.