Trip to California: Day 1

Somehow I hear "California Dreaming" in my head...
Be that as it may, I was in California for one week on a school trip. March 11-18. Ostensibly, the aim of the trip was to foster entrepreneurship in us students. However, the final goal was not to have everyone become entrepreneurs per se, but to encourage the students to think seriously about their future, not give up their dreams, and of course to see first-hand what it's like in Silicon Valley.
Once again, I set off with only my backpack (I was not the one with the least luggage, although I was the only person who did without a suitcase) and it was off to San Francisco airport. The flight was from Fukuoka to Narita, and then Narita to San Francisco. The intercontinental flight was via United Airlines. Suffice it to say I did not get to enjoy the inflight movies, and the food was not spectacular. Anyway, what was really interesting about the flight was the turbulence. Really bad for most of the flight. It was the first time out of Japan for a very few of the students, but what an experience it must have been for them.
Anyway, we landed safely and then proceeded to tour San Francisco for half a day before heading for our hotel in San Jose. Bright sunshine and clear skies lifted everyone's spirits after the long flight. Ate sourdough. Most of the Japanese didn't like it. Well, I mean, it was meant to be sour...
Photograph is of my luggage while in transit at Narita.
成田から羽田までは三人で電車を乗って行きました。(他の人はなぜかLimousine Bus。)途中で品川駅の中を回ってみました。駅の中(改札口の中)にデパートみたいに店が並んでいました。すごい。でも所詮東京やな。まだまだ自分の場所に帰った実感はなかったです。他の二人は「ああ、日本だ」という気持ちが現れましたが、私にはまだ外国な感じでした。福岡に着くまで家に帰った感じがしませんでした。そばのダシもしょっぱくて美味しくないし。町の匂いもなんか違うし。電車の雰囲気もなんか違うし。本当にほっとしたのは福岡に着き、地下鉄に乗ったあとでしたかな。
The weather in San Jose
The weather in San Jose is great! Apparently it was cold and wet last week, but we arrived when the weather turned good. And what great weather it has been for the last two days! Sunny with blue skies. The forecast is that it'll stay that way for the rest of the week. Want to write more, but I'm dead tired...
The weather in March
First the last two weeks of February felt like the last two weeks of March. Then, this past weekend saw two days with daytime highs of over 20 degrees celsius. Following that, the temperature dropped like a rock. Now, on Wednesday, it's snowing.
The weather this winter has been really strange. Wonder what the rest of the year will be like in Japan. Not that I'll be here to see it though.
Unidentified flower

Anyone know what this tree/flower is? It's blooming now, after the ume but before the sakura. Have seen them in quite a few places in Fukuoka, even in Tenjin the other day. Large white flowers that have quite a sweet scent.






Food trip to Itoshima 2007-02-27

So, since we've finished our presentations and all, us M2s in my lab decided to have a good lunch on Tuesday. Headed for Itoshima on the west side on Fukuoka in order to have "yakikaki" or grilled oysters. Basically you pay for a tray of oysters and barbecue them over a charcoal pit. According to the people who ran the place, first you grill them flat side down for 2-3 minutes, then turn over. When the oysters pop open, you can have at them. Add soya sauce, ponzu or salt as you like. We had sazae (turban shell?) as well. Came out to 1000 yen a person.

Visited Futamigaura as well and then had Karatsu burgers on the way back. Karatsu is the name of a town in Saga prefecture, but the vans selling the burgers are present in Fukuoka too.